Gelukskinders Foundation

Policy Plan 2023-2025

• General
• Vision, mission and objectives
• The Board
• Policy and planning for the next three years

The history and financial reports can be found on our website.


The Gelukskinders Foundation was founded on 1 November 2014 in Lelystad Netherlands. The business address is in the Netherlands in the municipality of Nijmegen. In accordance with the articles of association, a policy plan is drawn up and regularly updated. This policy plan is also necessary for maintaining the status of Public Benefit Organisation (ANBI) Insofar as our policy requires changes, this policy plan will be updated. The aim is to update this annually. A completely new policy plan is drawn up every three years. Due to corona, we could not visit schools for years. Only by the end of 2021, beginning of 2022 was Gelukskinders able to place five playgrounds through the already planned and funded projects. All current affairs of the foundation are published with great regularity by means of photos, videos and project reports.

Our Vision mission and objective

We believe that every child has the right to a happy childhood. That is why it is important that every child should be able to play freely with other children and have access to a fully-fledged play park in their living environment.

“Kinders se werk is om te speel” (Amira) “CHILDREN’S WORK IS TO PLAY”

The aim of the foundation is to help underprivileged children in townships and rural areas of South Africa to spend a happy childhood. The spearhead of the Foundation is to provide these children with playgrounds where they can play together for free and to their heart’s content in their free time. For older children, help can also be offered in the practice of sports. The possibility will also be investigated whether Amira can give (guest) music lessons in schools or singing lessons to talented children from the townships.
On a smaller scale, targeted help can also be provided to the needs of schools. We think of small presents for the children or food packages. However, the latter is not a priority.

The board

The board currently consists of five members and one commissioner.

Amira Willighagen: Patroness of Gelukskinders and also commissioner. The source of inspiration for the Foundation, board and fans. P.R. work for the public domain. Amira and the incumbent board give effect and direction to the policy.

Sardha Gouri: President. Secretariat and is responsible for the proper functioning of the foundation as a whole.
Marc Vandenhout: Treasurer. Webshop management. Explore all new projects and opportunities in South Africa.
Frieda Brand: General board member. Direct connection to Amira. Direct contacts in South Africa. She also keeps an eye on everything from close by maintenance and repairs.
Nico Huizinga: P.R. Emails care. Gelukskinders website. Gelukskinders Facebook. Webshop
shipping Netherlands. Contacts with- and actions of the fans.
Tinne Delsard: General board member. Archivist. Inventory of the webshop. If necessary, also the webshop shipping.

The aim is for each board member to travel to South Africa 1 time a year. This is necessary to be able to keep a finger on the pulse on the spot. This also strengthens the bond with the children in the playground areas. Problems that arise there can also be better viewed and solved directly.
The board tries to meet five times a year. The board has planned to communicate everything that runs within the Foundation to each other as much as possible weekly via Whats app, E-mail or telephone.

Policy and planning for the following three years

The way in which this happened in the past is continuing. Through our webshop, Amira related CDs, DVDs, USB sticks, photos and other products that are Foundation related are sold.
Donations by fans, whether regular or occasional.
Actions: Twice a year by fans and occasionally by the Foundation.
Once a year a benefit concert with of course Amira as lead singer.

Our schedule for 2023-2025

1 – 2023 January-February
Placing and/or replacing netball poles in the various schools.

March 2023
Installation and opening of two small playgrounds in crèches in the municipality of Franschhoek.
Placement playground in creche in Hessie.
Preparing netball project. Investigate playground projects for 2024/2025.

September-October 2023
Installation and opening of large playground in Hessie. Hessie is a remote village where there is no play option for the children. The opening is accompanied by a large village festival to Tswana customs.
Amira’s netball project. The participants will receive new sports outfits. The netball tournament will also take place during this period. All schools (11) that now have playgrounds participate in this. This netball tournament will take place on the sports fields of Promosa. The opening and closing will be done by Amira, possibly with the cooperation of school choirs. There will also be prizes for the participants.

2 – 2024
For 2024, two playgrounds are planned in the Dan Tloome and Bright Beginners schools. It should be noted that if the small school Ourief is closed, the playground equipment from there will be removed, restored and placed in the Dan Tloome school. That could possibly happen as early as 2023. Another school will be sought for 2024. The netball project will be further developed so that all Ikageng schools can participate. A biennial tournament is possible. The real schools network competition will be organized by the Department of Education (Ministry of Education).

3 – 2024/2025
On 1 November 2024, the Foundation will celebrate its 10th anniversary. It has been decided to
celebrate this in a (festive) appropriate way in Potchefstroom (South Africa). The correct date has not yet been set. This will probably be at the end of January, beginning of February 2025.
This depends on school exams, the subsequent vacation, and Amira’s agenda and schedule. There are already ideas for that celebration, but they are certainly not fixed and have not yet been worked out.
“10 years Stichting Gelukskinders” concert at the Atterbury theatre in Pretoria.
Netball tournament with all schools of Ikageng this in collaboration with the Department of Education (Ministry of Education).
Festive fan day or concert in Potchefstroom. Opening of playground number 25 in a school.

If financially feasible, the possibility of realizing a 10-year Gelukskinders concert in the Netherlands will also be investigated.

The preparation of planning for 2025 will take place in 2023. There are still plenty of schools and possibly public places that are eligible for a Gelukskinders playpark / playground. Due to the enormous demand and interest in playgrounds, Gelukskinders will further expand the playgrounds in areas outside Potchefstroom. We will discuss and find out the possibilities to reach these places and realize this for both the construction and maintenance of the playgrounds.
Of course, the regular maintenance work will continue during these three years.
