Abridged Balance Sheet 2018
Cash result on 01.01.2018 — 31,356.67
Gifts — 45,703
Actions — 2,690
Banking results (Rand-Euro exchange rate) — 1,386.41
Result webshop — 12,708.45
TOTAL — 93,844.53
Operating costs secretariat and foundation — 6,738.74
Playgrounds and promotions — 20,205.79
Cash reserve for large planning playgrounds 2019 — 66,900
TOTAL — 93,844.53
In this balance, all music, portrait and sales rights associated with music related products. Also all purchasing (e.g. purchases) and sales costs (eg. postage) have been settled.
Two new playgrounds were opened in 2018.
At the end of 2018 we received a very large donation. Major plans were made for this in 2019 (6 new playgrounds). The costs associated with those plans have already been incurred this year. Hence, operating costs are now higher. You can find this as you compare the total costs with the total costs. Cost percentage taking into account only the playgrounds 33.3%. Cost percentage taking into account all figures 9.8%. Amount spent on playgrounds 92.8%.