The board of Gelukskinders wishes all the best for 2025 to all donors of Amira’s foundation. Without your gifts the foundation would not be where it is today. Thank you.
Just before Christmas the children of Sarafina where treated to something special.
Report has been made by miss Frieda Brand, boardmember and mother of Amira and Fincent: “Thanks to one donator who specific donated for this cause, Gelukskinders could treat the children in Sarafina park in Christmas spirit with small prizes drinks and sweets. On the 23rd of Dec. This showed how big difference even a small amount can make in the lifes of many poor children. Thank you for everyone that makes such a difference, every time they donate, in so many childrens lives. Even bigger children( nearly adults) wanted to play along sinds there is nothing to do than escorzing heat and next to no trees. The tradition in the townships is to give the children 1 set of new clothes for Christmas and on Christmas day they walk in the streets to the church with the new clothes very proud. I know how difficult it is to maintain this tradition which will mean no food or no electricity to be able to afford it…. “ (end of report)
Gelukskinders looks forward to the ten year celebration of the foundation as well as Amira’s 21st birthday which takes place in April this year. All members are working hard towards it. Further more, the continuation of maintenance as well as progressively move forward in expanding plans for the future.Happy 2025 everyone!