Policy plan 2018 -2019
Policy plan 2018 – 2019 “Stichting Gelukskinders”
1 Introduction
2 Vision, mission and objectives.
3 Fundraising
4 Financial management
5 The board
6 Overview of realized projects
7 Planned projects 2019 – 2020
8 Objectives for 2019
9 Financial report 2017
1: Introduction.
This foundation was established on 1 November 2014 in Lelystad, The Netherlands. The business
address is in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. In accordance with the articles of association, a policy
plan is drawn up and regularly updated.
This policy plan is also necessary for maintaining the status of Public Benefit Organization
( Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling) ANBI.)
The plan provides insight into:
– The vision and mission
– The goal
– The planned activities
– All completed projects
– Financial accountability and planning
– Fundraising
– Composition of the Board
When changes in policy require this, the policy plan will be updated. The aim is to update annually.
The website of the foundation also regularly publishes photos, videos and project reports from the
latest events.
2: Vision, mission and objectives.
We believe that every child has the right to a happy childhood. That is why it is important that every
child has the opportunity to play with other children in his (or her) spare time and has access to a
fully-fledged play park in his ( or her) environment.
The goal of the foundation is to help underprivileged children around the world to spend a happy
childhood. The Foundation’s spearhead is to provide these children with playgrounds where they
can play together freely and to their heart’s content in their spare time.
Amira, the initiator of this project and protagonist of this Foundation, had a dream to realize
playgrounds for less privileged children in townships in South Africa with part of her income. With
winning “Holland got talent” in 2013 that became a reality. In March 2014, the first “Amira Park”
was realized in Ikageng Potchefstroom. Mike Fuller had made this possible with a few other
sponsors so that Amira could open the first play park with part of the fee/earnings of her first
international performances in South Africa. In 2014 Jos Koenders, of Scouting Lelystad, made the
proposal and did everything possible to create a foundation for this purpose. With the help of a
benevolent notary from Lelystad this became a reality from 1.11.2014.
The first board consisted of the chairman (Frieda Brand), vice chairman (Hanneke Koenders)
secretary (Jan Deeben) and treasurer (Jos Koenders).
The main goal is to realize 1 or 2 playgrounds per year, but also to keep clean and maintain the
realized playgrounds. This means that sustainable long-term use of the efforts made and existing
playgrounds will be guaranteed with donated funds.
3: Funding comes from:
Guest appearances by Amira
Amira donates part of her earnings and CD proceeds to the Foundation
Donations on the website and donations via social media,
Selling of fan articles through the web shop of the website,
Collections and promotions organized by the fans.
Without the necessary financial support, the Foundation’s continued existence is impossible.
Between 2015 and the present, fundraising was successful and constant enough so that the objective
of achieving 1 or 2 playgrounds per year plus the necessary repairs and maintenance of the already
existing playgrounds could be achieved.
One of the ways of fundraising in 2014 – 2015 was giving a benefit concert. In 2014, this was
achieved in Lelystad. Although that contributed to the name recognition of the foundation, the
revenue was minimal. The time and costs for organizing did not weigh up sufficiently with the
proceeds. It was then decided to let Amira perform at least twice a year as a guest artist at an
already organized concert. The fee she thus earns was then immediately donated to the foundation.
Between 2016 and the present various performances took place at home and abroad, including
various Christmas concerts where Amira’s fee was donated directly to the foundation. At these
concerts, especially the Christmas concerts, the foundation has an extra role. For example, selling
diverse Amira related articles and cupcakes during the break, Concerttickets distribution and
cooperating with the fanclub for optimal use of this fundraising opportunity.
Often there is also an annual fan day planned together with these concerts, to give fans, from home
and abroad, the opportunity to actually meet Amira in a less formal environment, and it gives Amira
and the foundation opportunity to acknowledge the fans for their generous donations.
A reasonable return is also guaranteed annually from the sale of fan articles from the web shop of
the website. The secretary (Jan Deeben) made that possible in the period of 2015-2017, with
various articles such as cups, photos, mugs, Christmas stars, bags, etc.. He made a good shipping
and payment system, so that fans all over the world could order these articles and support the
foundation. Furthermore, various promotions are set up and realized by the fans to further
contribute to the realization of funds. For example, fan articles were designed such as ties, buttons
and pens. There were fan days and birthday and Christmas collections and quizzes organized by the
fans. There is a fansite on Facebook with many active members.
The foundation is registered with the tax authorities as an ANBI. By registering the foundation as an
ANBI, Dutch donations to the foundation can be deducted from tax.
4: Financial management
The funds received are used for the implementation of the objectives of the Foundation. There are
no employees. Volunteers can only submit costs directly incurred for the Foundation and there are
minimal overhead costs. This means that virtually all funds received can be spent on the set
A positive cash balance after deduction of all charges and expenses is placed into an interestbearing
account. A positive balance has now been invested in an interest-bearing account in South
This interest is used in its entirety for the maintenance of the playgrounds. This consists of repair
work, painting and cleaning work. A local resident has been involved in these cleaning activities
since 2018 and receives an expense allowance for this.
The treasurer (2014-2017) Mr Koenders received support for setting up an accounting system with
the Scouting bookkeeper in Lelystad. The foundation did the work of cash books, annual accounts
and various budgets. The annual accounts were published on the website. The objective is to put
these on the website every year before the 1st of July of the next calendar year. Due to regular
changes in the management this objective has not always been met in the past.
The next treasurer (2017 to present), Marc Vandenhout, received support from Mr Bert Brandt, for
further professionalisation of the financial accounting. The focus is now on the establishment of a
maintenance fund. The target is to have a budget every year in which sufficient funds for
maintenance of the current playgrounds are guaranteed. This means that additional funds can be
transferred, if necessary, to cover the maintenance of the playgrounds.
From 2019, a budget will be drawn up annually. The annual accounts will be published on the
website, after having been checked, approved and signed by the board .
An attempt is being made to ensure more stability in the board by recruiting members more
There were many changes in the period 2014-2018, as a result of which the financial objectives
were not always realized, as well as they might have been.
5: The board.
2018: The board currently consists of only 3 members
1. President – Sardha Gouri, Netherlands
2. Treasurer – Marc Vandenhout, Belgium
3. Board member – Frieda Brand, South Africa
The duties and job descriptions of the board members are described elsewhere on the
website. The board meets at least twice a year in person and at least 4 times via a conference
meeting via the internet. They keep each other up to date on various matters via email,
telephone and Whats app. It is attempted to have each board member travel to South Africa
at least once a year to supervise the projects locally.
All 3 board members have personally traveled to check the current projects and to
investigate future ones. Various obstacles have also been solved on the spot. In 2019, the
aim is to recruit 1 or 2 new board members for the foundation carefully. The current board
members strive for transparency, continuity and professionalisation.
Supervising maintenance and cleaning of existing playgrounds.
Research and setting up new playground projects.
Making contacts in and around the townships.
For example, there is collaboration with the local North West University regarding the
opening, cleaning and painting activities of the playgrounds. In terms of design and
placement, there is close collaboration with the equipment manufacturer Jolly Jungle Gym
in Vanderbijlpark.
Funds are gathered and the webshop orders are managed and processed. The help offered by
willing fans, who help out with packing and shipments, is welcomed.
Assistance at performances and guest appearances by Amira. For example, a number of
times at Christmas concerts, all kinds of help and support was provided by the foundation.
This was instead of an annual benefit concert.
Promotion of the foundation and its objectives through the website, Facebook and other
social media.
6: Overview of realized projects.
a) Amirapark in Ikageng – 2014 – public park
b) Sarafinapark, Sarafina – 2015 – public park
Guiding methodology:
It was soon decided to create fuure playgrounds on the grounds of schools and no longer in public
areas. This has to do with supervision, pollution and vandalism, which is much easier to keep under
control at schools. Agreements have been drawn up with schools and the education department
regarding the responsibilities.
c) Lesego primary school, Ikageng, 2016.
Promosa primary school Promosa (grades 2 – 7), 2017
e) Degree R ‘pre-school’, Lesego school, Ikageng 2018
f) Fence of existing playground at Promosa school 2018
g) Playground (grade 1) and placement of black boards, Promosa school, 2018.
Policy decision:
We will mainly focus on the municipality of Potchefstroom or the umbrella municipality of Tlokwe.
That makes supervision and maintenance easier. Small local schools or pre-schools up to and
including grade 3 in larger schools, now have our attention.
7: Planned projects 2019 and 2020
Two schools were visited in 2018 that meet all requirements. We were also approached by 2 other
schools that also meet all the requirements, but, they can only be realised in 2020 because there is
still much research and funding needed.
For 2019:
Laura Fourie school is a community school, far from the center, for 190 very disadvantaged pupils.
Ikalafeng school in Sarafina, school for children with a mental and / or physical disability.
For 2020 and beyond:
Daetalong, Pudulogo, Madibeng, Boitirelo, Tshepo, Thembalidnisi and Tshupane primary schools.
These schools have about 1000 children, but further research and visits are necessary. None of these
schools has a playground.
The priority in the future will be: first, toddlers and grade 1 and 2, followed by the rest.
8: Objectives for 2019
1. To recruit extra board members in 2019 with the utmost care.
2. To create supporting work groups.
3. To further expand and formalize the collaboration with the fanclub.
4. To publish financial documents on the website in good time.
5. To expand the maintenance fund.
6. To make a policy plan and budget for 2020.
7. To celebrate 5 years of the foundation.
9: Financial report 2017.
Annual accounts and budget 2017